Sunday, May 5, 2013

Magicicada Medicine

It was about a week ago that I had caught wind that Brood II is emerging this Spring. The moment I heard, something just clicked inside of me. It was like a warmth flooding my body and if my Spirit knew something that I hadn't quite got. 
If you're unfamiliar with Brood II; it's is one of 15 separate broods of periodical cicadas, or Magicicada, that appear regularly throughout the northeastern United States. Every 17 years, Brood II tunnels en masse to the surface of the ground, lays eggs, and then dies off over the span of several weeks.
Throughout the days that have followed, my dear Magicicada has been my guide. 
With him comes clarification and a sense of transformation.
He's come to tell me, like Penguin, that my darkness is passing and a new light is coming. I'm reaching a peak, and I can feel my Spirit tipping over into it's next stage. 

The Message of the Magicicada is that you already know the answer. It is within you. 

You will find a key within yourself that opens the doorway to Growth. It is essential that you gain passage through that doorway so that your own Spirit may mature into that of a wiser you. 

Let the healing song of the Magicicada help you shed the negativity that's holding you back and allow yourself to grow this year.

~Magicicada Keywords~

Metamophisis Quartz
Tree Agate
Phantom Quartz



  1. Such a wonderful post! I grew up hearing cicada sounds from our trees (I think they live in the trees, right???) I loved hearing them! I'm not sure how many we have in Utah, I don't hear them nearly as much as I did in Illinois. I never knew there metaphysical properties either! I love that all creatures have a certain message. <3 Even if it's just being awesome. ;)

    1. They tend to mate in that general area, as far as I know. That's also where they often shed their shell beforehand. It's why you find so many cicada shells on tree trunks. They dwell in the earth feeding off of the sap from tree roots during the years before they emerge. I use to collect the shells when I was a child in Kentucky, but I've never felt so fascinated by them as I have been in the past few days. I loved researching for this post. It really hit deep in my Spirit to connect with the Cicada these past few days.
