Saturday, May 18, 2013


In the years that I've been reading Stones and Tarot online, I've grown quite familiar with the question, "How do you read over the internet?" 
So, today, I am here to answer this question for all of you. 

Though I consider myself to be spiritually eclectic, I am Gaian above anything else. 
It is my belief that we are all interconnected.
It is through that connection that I read for you. 
I depend solely on our Great Mother, Earth, to relay her message for you to me, so that I may be able to pass it along to you with clear and precise interpretation.

Over time, I've found that the benefits of online reading go beyond sheer convenience. A few examples would be;
- It allows you to keep a hard copy of the reading for future reference
- It gives you distance, you that you may be more comfortable asking questions 
- It gives you the opportunity to find a nice, quite space to concentrate on said questions
- And it allows the reader to maintain quite, sacred space for concentration as well

 Do You have any questions for me?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Magicicada Medicine

It was about a week ago that I had caught wind that Brood II is emerging this Spring. The moment I heard, something just clicked inside of me. It was like a warmth flooding my body and if my Spirit knew something that I hadn't quite got. 
If you're unfamiliar with Brood II; it's is one of 15 separate broods of periodical cicadas, or Magicicada, that appear regularly throughout the northeastern United States. Every 17 years, Brood II tunnels en masse to the surface of the ground, lays eggs, and then dies off over the span of several weeks.
Throughout the days that have followed, my dear Magicicada has been my guide. 
With him comes clarification and a sense of transformation.
He's come to tell me, like Penguin, that my darkness is passing and a new light is coming. I'm reaching a peak, and I can feel my Spirit tipping over into it's next stage. 

The Message of the Magicicada is that you already know the answer. It is within you. 

You will find a key within yourself that opens the doorway to Growth. It is essential that you gain passage through that doorway so that your own Spirit may mature into that of a wiser you. 

Let the healing song of the Magicicada help you shed the negativity that's holding you back and allow yourself to grow this year.

~Magicicada Keywords~

Metamophisis Quartz
Tree Agate
Phantom Quartz


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pearl of Wisdom

Do you ever find yourself struggling for a topic to write about, only to have your topic find you? That's exactly what happened to me this week.While working with my newest deck,
 The Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides, a single card kept worming its way into every reading I did. After the third time I thought, "I'm just not shuffling well enough," so I shuffled the cards a few more times before pulling another. It made no difference though. He was always there.

The Penguin

When a guide has a message for you, there's no ignoring them. Which is quite a blessing, because it's always something you truly need to hear. 
So I gave in and did a bit of research, and this is what came of it;

"The Penguin Spirit Guide always brings with it a gift. A pearl of wisdom beneath his belly, is what he offers you with a bow. Penguins are very respectful in their associations with others and walk and interact with purpose.
This leads to the gift he brings with him - the pearl of wisdom. The gift of your own Light.
Your Purpose."   

"They teach us how to embrace and understand all realms of life.
The colors of the penguin are symbolic. The color black represents the hidden or the unknown and the color white reflects the light or awakened consciousness. The merging of the hidden with the known produces a balanced state of being. Penguin teaches you how to blend, merge and balance the dark with the light.
Penguin is a powerful totem to have and helps you change your reality, move between the worlds and awaken full consciousness."

It makes perfect sense. I'm living my passions in being a Reader, because it's a part of my true self. I am, and always will be a Guide. A Healer. I believe, in my soul, that by following this path I'm fulfilling my Purpose. In the midst of classes, new job, the website, this grimoire, and newest project ( that I plan to announce in the next couple of weeks); my Penguin has come to help me regain sight of my True Purpose.
To Heal. 
Now he's helping me apply my Purpose in every-day life, and in doing so, find a balance between my worldly life and that of my spiritual.

What is your spirit animal, and what have you learned from him/her so far?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Beginnings

Hello and welcome to the newest addition to TarotKristy.
I created this grimoire to document my journey as a Stone and Tarot Reader, but even more so, in hope of teaching the art of what I do to others. I want to empower you with the wisdom I gain so that you too may live out your passions and become more connected with Mother Earth.
It is my dream to guide others to a stronger connection with Earth and a more grounded spirit over all. It sets the foundation for true spiritual growth, and is fundamental to all paths of spirituality. 
In this grimoire you'll find, not only my personal experiences and growth as a Stone and Tarot Reader and aspiring Crystal Healer; but Crystal and Tarot wisdom, medicine wheels (of my own design), personal readings, and hopefully many other inspirations along the way. My grimoire is still growing so keep an eye out for changes here and there. 
I'm so excited to have all of you join me on this beautiful life-journey, and I'd like to give a special thanks to my dear friend Angie, from LariatsandLavender, for designing this lovely space for me so that sharing my journey with all of you would be possible.

This sacred space marks a new beginning in my spiritual path.
As a Reader and as Healer, I never stop learning.  Only now, I am doing more than learning, I am becoming a teacher of my own ways.

If there's anything you'd be interested in seeing or learning about here, contact me with your suggestions and I'll do my best to post it.

TarotKristy has new content, products, and services added nearly each week,
so be sure to sign up for updates and special offers at by going here.

Thank you for coming and I hope you have a blessed day,

Breathe With Ease,
