Do you
ever find yourself struggling for a topic to write about, only to have your topic
find you? That's exactly what happened to me this week.While working with my
newest deck,
The Messages From Your Animal
Spirit Guides, a single card kept worming its way into every reading
I did. After the third time I thought, "I'm just
not shuffling well enough," so I shuffled the cards a
few more times before pulling another. It made no difference though. He was always there.
When a
guide has a message for you, there's no ignoring them. Which is quite a
blessing, because it's always something you truly need to hear.
So I gave in and did
a bit of research, and this is what came of it;
Penguin Spirit Guide always brings with it a gift. A pearl of wisdom beneath
his belly, is what he offers you with a bow. Penguins are very respectful in
their associations with others and walk and interact with purpose.
This leads to the gift he brings with him - the pearl of wisdom. The gift of your own Light.
Your Purpose."
This leads to the gift he brings with him - the pearl of wisdom. The gift of your own Light.
Your Purpose."
"They teach us how to embrace and understand all
realms of life.
The colors of the penguin are symbolic. The color
black represents the hidden or the unknown and the color white reflects the
light or awakened consciousness. The merging of the hidden with the known
produces a balanced state of being. Penguin teaches you how to blend, merge and
balance the dark with the light.
Penguin is a powerful totem to have and helps you
change your reality, move between the worlds and awaken full
It makes perfect sense. I'm living my passions in being a Reader, because it's a part of my true self. I am, and always will be a Guide. A Healer. I believe, in my soul, that by following this path I'm fulfilling my Purpose. In the midst of classes, new job, the website, this grimoire, and newest project ( that I plan to announce in the next couple of weeks); my Penguin has come to help me regain sight of my True Purpose.
To Heal.
Now he's helping me apply my Purpose in every-day life, and in doing so, find a balance between my worldly life and that of my spiritual.
What is your spirit animal, and what have you learned from him/her so far?